Annabelle Ultrasounds - One Year

Throughout our pregnancy we will have several ultrasounds were we get to see our little one growing and becoming a little baby.  We also love seeing that little heart beating away on the screen, it is such a comfort to know that the baby is ok.  In the following pictures you will get to see our baby grow from nothing but a blob on the screen with a little flicker of a heart beat to a full term baby, enjoy!

1 Year Old - I can't believe it!!!

11 Months - More Teeth and We Have Pigtails!

10 Months Old - It's Becoming Harder to Take Pictures Alone

9 Months Old - Such a Ham and She is Hating the Headband

8 Months Old - Getting in Two Teeth
7 Months Old and On the Move
6 Months Old

5 Months Old

4 Months Old - Holding Her Head High Now

3 Months Old

2 Months Old

1 Month Old
The day she was born only minutes old

28 Weeks resting her hand on her cheak

28 Weeks what a cutie pie

28 Weeks little pumpkin

28 Weeks look at those little feet and legs

17 Week 3D4 Ultrasound saying "HI" (9/17/11)

17 Weeks sucking her thumb (9/17/11)

17 Weeks relaxing and touching her face (9/17/11)

Heartbeat is 143bpm 9/10/11 16 weeks

16 weeks 3D

It's a GIRL!!!! 16 week gender check

16 weeks 3D

August 11, 2011 11 weeks 6 days
Our little one turned sideways to show us how he/she can stretch out!

August 11, 2011 11 weeks 6 days
Our little ones face

August 11, 2011 11 weeks 6 days
The little heartbeat 165bpm

July 28, 2011 - 9 weeks 6 days
July 28, 2011 - 9 weeks 6 days Heartbeat 170bpm
July 8, 2011 - 7 Weeks