Monday, September 3, 2012

6 Months Old

6 Months Old

Today at 5:55am Annabelle Rose turned exactly 6 Months Old!  How time flies by.  It seems like yesterday I was holding her little body in my arms in the hospital.  We are truly blessed to have her in our lives and not a day goes by that I don't thank God for having a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl.

For those of you out there expecting your first I must say the 6 month mark is amazing.  She is getting more mobile, she laughs, sleeps from 7:30pm to 6:30am, and we will be starting solids soon.  What is also so amazing is we have met some of the most amazing Moms and Babies and we are growing our friends network.  Now at 6 months she can be more interactive with others and she is getting to experience so many new things for the first time.

She is 100% the best baby I could of ever ask for and Jerry and I are very lucky!

Tomorrow she has her 6 month Dr. apt and we will find out where she stands with height and weight.  I did sneak a peak at home yesterday and she was just over 18 pounds!!!

Until tomorrow have a wonderful night everyone.


  1. another gorgeous her headband and tutu!!
    she looks like she is tons of fun, rachel. <3<3<3


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