Thursday, March 29, 2012

My #1 Baby Items for the First Few Weeks

I was thinking today about the #1 items I couldn't live without during these last few weeks home with my little peanut and I wanted to share them with all of you.

  1. Itzbeen - This is a pocket timer to time feedings, diaper changes, sleeping and one extra.  I use this all the time mostly for feedings and in the beginning I used the extra one for my pain medication.  I would suggest this for any new mom.
  2. Sound Machine - We have a sound machine that plays several different sounds but mostly we use the white noise for her in her room while she is sleeping.  The one we have also allows us to hook up our ipod to play music.  I can't remember the brand but if you want to know just leave a comment and I will look it up.
  3. Lots of Diapers and Wipes - We are going to switch to cloth soon but for these first first weeks cloth would of been just to much to handle on top of getting used to our new schedule.  
  4. Pack and Play - We have a two story house so the pack and play has been a god sent for naps and for changing diapers down stairs.
  5. Hand Sanitizer - We have them at every diaper changing station and in the main living area.  When you are changing a diaper you just can't pick up the baby and go wash your hands so we use the hand sanitizer. 
  6. Halo Sleeper with Swaddle - When she first came home she was getting cold at night so we started using these sleepers and it keeps her all cozy and warm and she feels secure.
  7. Clothing that is easy to get off to change diapers - You never would imagine how much a new baby poops and pees until you have one and they really hate waiting for you to undo snaps so when we are home she is mostly in onesies.
  8. Burp Cloths - We always have one handy for those occasional spit up situations. 
  9. Bouncy Seat - For those times I didn't have anyone to watch her and I wanted to take a shower this was great to put her in and she could sit in the bathroom with me.
  10. Dutailer Rocker - We use this every night to get her to sleep and I love how I can recline on it because in the middle of the night I don't like to put her right down after she eats because I want her to have time to let it settle so I can recline a bit and rest my eyes (I don't fall asleep though).
  11. Bottles - I was glad we had them after finding out we had to start giving her formula
What do I wish I had not bought:
  1.  Arms Reach Bassinet - I would of loved this if it had some sort of way to make it not so cold.  We just found she was getting so cold at night that we ended up sleeping down stairs the first couple weeks to let her sleep in the newborn sleeper on the pack and play because it was warmer for her.  Then we used the bassinet for a week before deciding to just put her in her crib.  She sleep so much better in her room.
  2. Avant Breast Pump - It is an electric breast pump with two pumps but it isn't hands free.  It is a pain to sit there an hold them and really I didn't need them because my supply is low.  Had it been easier to pump I might have and that might of helped my supply.  I just read great review about this pump but in the end I have only used it like 4 times.
I hope you found this helpful!

1 comment:

  1. rachel, thank you so much for your sweet comment today! :)
    it sounds like you and jerry have tons of great things for annabelle! i'm so happy to hear you're getting more rest!
    i hope the three of you enjoy the weekend <3
    the photo of her at the top corner is just precious. she's a doll <3


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